Inflation Report - June 2019

Las opiniones contenidas en el presente documento son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no comprometen al Banco de la República ni a su Junta Directiva.

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors.


Banco de la República is currently in the process of modernizing its Inflation Report with the goal of communicating an analysis of economic conditions and forecasts for the economy in a better way. For that reason, as of the October edition, the report will be structured as follows: 1. Summary 2. Macroeconomic Forecasts 2.1 The External Context 2.1.1 External Demand 2.1.2 External Prices 2.1.3 International Financial Markets 2.2 The Domestic Context 2.2.1 Inflation 2.2.2 Economic Activity 2.2.3 Balance of Payments 3. The Current Economic Situation 3.1 Behavior of Inflation and Prices 3.2 Growth and Domestic Demand 3.2.1 GDP with respect to Spending 3.2.2 GDP on the Supply Side and Sector Indicators 3.3 The Labor Market 3.4 The Monetary and Financial Market This report (July) is a temporary and partial version of the document in its new format. Juan José Echavarría Governor
Box 1. The Dynamics of Government Consumption in 2019. Authors: Juan José Ospina, Juan Sebastián Corrales
Box 2. Recent Performance of GDP in the Construction Sector and Prospects for 2019. Authors: Juan Pablo Cote, Sergio Restrepo
Box 3. The Impact of Recent Migration from Venezuela on the Colombian Labor Market. Authors: José David Pulido


Banco de la República is currently in the process of modernizing its Inflation Report with the goal of communicating an analysis of economic conditions and forecasts for the economy in a better way. For that reason, as of the October edition, the report will be structured as follows: 1. Summary 2. Macroeconomic Forecasts 2.1 The External Context 2.1.1 External Demand 2.1.2 External Prices 2.1.3 International Financial Markets 2.2 The Domestic Context 2.2.1 Inflation 2.2.2 Economic Activity 2.2.3 Balance of Payments 3. The Current Economic Situation 3.1 Behavior of Inflation and Prices 3.2 Growth and Domestic Demand 3.2.1 GDP with respect to Spending 3.2.2 GDP on the Supply Side and Sector Indicators 3.3 The Labor Market 3.4 The Monetary and Financial Market This report (July) is a temporary and partial version of the document in its new format. Juan José Echavarría Governor
Recuadro 1 - Dinámica del consumo público en 2019. Autores: Juan José Ospina, Juan Sebastián Corrales
Recuadro 2. Comportamiento reciente del PIB de la construcción y perspectivas para 2019. Autores: Juan Pablo Cote, Sergio Restrepo
Recuadro 3. Efectos en el mercado laboral colombiano de la reciente migración desde Venezuela. Autores: José David Pulido



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