2000-09-122000-09-122000-09-122000-09-12https://repositorio.banrep.gov.co/handle/20.500.12134/5175While in the early nineties Colombia grew at rates exceeding 4% and was catalogued as one of the top emerging markets, in 1999 its economy fell 4%, its exchange rate regime (a target zone) collapsed and by June of 2000 its unemployment level peaked at 20.PDFspaOpen AccessThe colombian banking crisis: macroeconomic consequences and what to expectWorking PaperE31 - Price Level; Inflation; DeflationBanking crisisMacroeconomicCrisis financiera -- Colombia -- 1997-1999Crisis bancaria -- Colombia -- 1997-1999Acceso abiertoAtribucion-NoComercial-CompartirIgual CC BY-NC-SA 4.0E31 - Nivel de precios; Inflación; DeflaciónLas opiniones contenidas en el presente documento son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no comprometen al Banco de la República ni a su Junta Directiva.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12134/5175