2007-03-012015-12-062015-12-142017-10-242007-03-012007-03https://repositorio.banrep.gov.co/handle/20.500.12134/2100Se evalúa el desempeño financiero a largo plazo de los Fondos de Pensiones, teniendo en cuenta el análisis de rentabilidad y las medidas de riesgo, haciendo un cálculo de indicadores de desempeño y los portafolios e inversiones.Mandatory pension fund (MPF) affiliates in Colombia do not have a great deal of information to gauge the financial performance of pension fund managers (PFM). At present, each PFM publishes a monthly report on average profitability for the preceding 36 months (tri-annual yield). However, this measure is softened and limits a situation analysis of the yield on those funds. A variance approach that adds a portfolio-risk measurement to the available data would allow for a better assessment of MPF financial performance. If those who contribute to these funds have access to more robust measurements of financial performance, they can choose their MPF on the basis of more complete criteria, as opposed to only tri-annual measurements of profitability. The studies done in Colombia concentrate on evaluating the efficiency of pension funds and on showing the portfolio of these investors is being managed in a financially inefficient way (Jara, Gómez and Pardo, 2005). The primary reason for that inefficiency, according to Jara (2006b), lies with the definition of minimum profitability and the way commissions are structured. These works suggest that pension fund managers lack incentives to perform more efficiently, and propose the application of measures that include MPF portfolio risk. The Sharpe ratio and the information ratio are two examples.16 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas, tablasPDFspaOpen AccessPensionesIndicadoresRentabilidadVolatilidad de los retornosColombiaDesempeño financiero de los fondos de pensiones obligatorias en ColombiaFinancial performance of mandatory pension funds in ColombiaWorking PaperG23 - Non-bank Financial Institutions; Financial Instruments; Institutional InvestorsH55 - Social Security and Public PensionsO16 - Financial Markets; Saving and Capital Investment; Corporate Finance and GovernancePensionsIndicatorsProfitabilityVolatility of returnsColombiaFondos de pensiones -- Colombia -- 2003-2006Fondos de pensiones -- Inversiones -- Colombia -- 2003-2006Portafolio de inversiones -- Colombia -- 2003-2006Acceso abiertoAtribucion-NoComercial-CompartirIgual CC BY-NC-SA 4.0G23 - Instituciones financieras (excepto bancos); Instrumentos financieros; Inversores institucionalesH55 - Seguridad social y pensiones públicasO16 - Mercados financieros; Ahorro e inversión de capital; Gobierno y financiación de la empresaLas opiniones contenidas en el presente documento son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no comprometen al Banco de la República ni a su Junta Directiva.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12134/2100