Transmisión de tasas de interés en Colombia : una visión microbancaria

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Temas de Estabilidad Financiera ; No. 23

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Las opiniones contenidas en el presente documento son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no comprometen al Banco de la República ni a su Junta Directiva.

The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors.


The importance of the banking sector as a key player in interest rate passthrough has been recognized recently in literature concerning monetary policy transmission mechanisms. The interest rate channel, which operates when banks pass on changes in the monetary policy rate to interest rates for the customer, depends on how banks react to different shocks and to the state of the economy. Given a change in the policy rate, the degree of rigidity in short-term interest rates is largely explained by the different features of the financial structure, such as the degree of competition in the banking sector, the size of the bank, the types of clients, and the loan-risk level financial institutions face.


Analiza las implicaciones de modelas los bancos comerciales como entidades independientes que reaccionan óptimamente ante las indicaciones del entorno. A partir de un modelo microeconómico se analiza la estimación de la transmisión de las tasas de interés.



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