A rank approach for studying cross-currency bases and the covered interest rate parity

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Borradores de Economía; No. 994

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The opinions contained in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not commit Banco de la República or its Board of Directors.


We use the recently developed panel rank-cointegration test proposed by Pedroni et al. [2015] to check for the stability conditions of the cross-country money market interest rate bases. Using weekly information on short-term interest rates and spot and forward exchange rates for a set of 20 European economies during 2005-2017, we show that in most cases these bases are non-stationary, implying the failure of the Covered Interest Rate Parity condition. Concretely, a mean-reverting behavior is encountered in only two cases. The first includes Greece, Italy and Portugal, while the second Belgium, France and Germany.




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C. Borio, R. McCauley, P. McGuire, and V. Sushko. Covered interest parity lost: understanding the cross-currency basis. Working paper, Bank of International Settlements, September 2016.

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